Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Two Mistakes People Make After They Discover A Cheating Spouse...

Quick Note:

Hey hey I know it's been a few days, I thought I might make a quick add for you guys. I'll have some more for you tommorrow. Or later today :-)...

Cya then,

-Drew Bryant

The first mistake people make when facing a cheating wife or spouse is they try to tolerate more, they wimp up and get caught in a pity fest. Yes it sounds mean, but hey I was one of them. You wait and wait and hope that with time the situation will change, and you know what! It never does. You conform and meet the needs of your wife/spouse in an attempt to win this person back, and then you call it "working on the marriage." Trust me it doesnt work, in the long run they will take advantage of you, meanwhile you are losing your integrity. In the end you will feel like you are in competition with the other person and it will cause you to feel insecure about things that probably aren't an issue.

On the other end people make the mistake of going on the attack they threaten, plead, beg, bring others in to the equation (i.e. children, friends). They end up making desperate promises, and that doesn't work either. Going off on your wife or spouse doesn't help and it definately isn't cute. At all cost try to stay away from this approach.


As always, if you have any
comments, questions, and/or concerns then feel free to leave a comment.

-Drew Bryant


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