Monday, November 20, 2006

Are They Really Cheating? Or...

Are you a jealous person, and looking for a way to deal? Is there constant worry, and insecurity in your heart? That is not the way you want to go through your relationships. In fact, having occasional jealousy is perfectly normal, but daily suspicions that go uncontrolled can destroy a relationship. As a matter of fact, many research studies are dedicated to the effects of jealousy, and how it is hard to cope with it.

Jealousy and insecurities are usually irrational, get the best of you, and ruin your relationship. Jealousy and insecurity can make you compare yourself to your competition, feel their position is threatened, and imagine a worse case scenario: Their partner will leave them for someone else more this or less that.

Not only does jealousy eat away at a person, it also manifests itself in a hyper negative light. The innocent coincidences in life get turned into long strings of paranoid misinterpretations. For example, if a phone call isn’t returned right away, a chronically jealous individual will jump to the conclusion that their partner is cheating, doesn’t love them, or is avoiding them purposely. Sound exaggerated? It’s actually very common.

This thinking then leads to more of the same, turning the envy into more envy, and doubt into more doubt. Not only does that fuel “the jealous one,” it also drives the person being attacked to the brink. Being around a jealous person is a trying situation. No one likes to have every thing they do turned into a negative event or a big deal. When in a relationship with the insecure person, you could be having fun one minute, then in trouble the next. In addition, jealous people are usually needy, controlling, and invasive.

So what is the end result? The people in a relationship where a jealous person is involved both end up losing a bit of their sanity, and “the jealous one” usually makes the other person pull away, or close up to avoid the regular drama. The bottom line: Jealousy creates space, distrust, and resentment in a relationship. Work on getting your insecurities in line – that’s the first big step in combating the urge to be “the jealous one.”

We can all be jealous sometimes. Do you question rather your feelings are true or shrug it off as jealousy? Well did you know that statistics say that 85% of women who feel their lover is cheating are correct and 50% of men who feel their lover is cheating are right. Click Here Now To Find Out If You're Right.

Your Friend,
-Drew Bryant


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